He calls all sunglasses "cool dudes" because when he would always try any on before he learned what they are I would always say COOL DUDE to encourage him to keep them on. He learned that the name was cool dude. Now if we have some sunglasses and don't share he will whine and say "coooooool duuuuuuuude, coooooool duuuuuuuuude". Too cute!!!

Jim is set now on not having anymore and right now I agree, but as Ben gets older I know I will be sad. Also, whenever I see the cutest little girl clothes I get sad that I never get to buy those things(except for my nieces who are also growing up too fast). Jim has given me so much though I can't ask him for anymore. He wants to call the doctor and get a vasectomy again but I keep putting it off to make sure he/we are really done.
Oh, I have been trying to clean out the boys' clothes, I am finally getting rid of all of the clothes I saved from when my sister had Emily, I had Ean and some of the clothes I had to buy Ben, that is sad too. I am going to keep ONE (or maybe two) plastic bins of my favorite clothes, the ones they wore home from the hospital, on their birthdays or Christmas etc, to give to their kids. I am a huge pack rat so it is taking me FOREVER because I have to study EVERY piece of clothes and sometimes I will even go back and change my mind. It is getting so bad though they have taken over their room. I will maybe take some pictures so you know I am exaggerating.
Ean will be two in 20 days, 1 hour, 45 minutes, 50 seconds - I am planning the party now and like last year am flying by the seat of my pants since I have never been to a two year old's party. I am doing it all DOGs since he is oppsessed with them. So far that is it.
BEWARE LOOOOOOONG COMMENT: Oh I am looking forward to the Cool Dudes birthday party pictures. I am sure it will be alot of fun and cute. I know how it is to have clothes coming out of your ears. I have to save all of mine except for when Colby grows out of them. Some I have saved for Lucas but now I am starting to not save as much as I used to. Alot of stuff either gets yucky or I know its not Lucas/Kari style. I've been thinking of all of the 2 yr old clothes I have that I know Colby won't wear. (I know that sounds strange) Esp. since Matthew will wear what I tell him still. These two little boys don't like overalls. I must have 30 or 40 pairs in 18mths to 24mths. Which is what Colby's summer clothes would be. I am now looking for denim shorts everytime I go out, because thats what I will put him in. I get overwhelmed with the amount of clothes, like the ones that Shane and Colby still don't fit in yet. It has to be this way though because I try and not buy them new things which cost alot. I've tried to buy used or save what I have and so far I think the kids aren't dressed trashy. I guess thats the sacrifice I have to make is to deal with storing them to save money (Which I know could get into hundreds of dollars) I just bought Shane 10 pieces of nice clothing (Levi's, Gap and Old Navy) But most are all too big. I bought them for next winter (He was lacking this winter) But I bought each piece for 1 dollar so how could I not get them.
okay so I am a little addicted to dressing Lucas in Old Navy clothes but I am slowly starting to see that I don't need as much clothes as I thought I did... also I am starting to buy more neutral colors in case we ever have another kid and the off chance that we have a girl.
Also we don't have closets or an attic so I am trying to find places to store Lucas' old clothes because I still want to save them just in case...
I was always a little twisted about the kids clothes when they were little.
The minute a garmet had a 'stain' on it...it would go in the garbage can....no matter how much I liked it or how much it cost. In my book, it was 'ruined' and not worthy of passing on to any little kid.
I never saved any clothes of the kids because they always had a lot of them...due to my own shopping sprees to dress them cute.
Of course, their favorites were always the 'comfortable' ones...and I can remember how horrified I was with the way Gary would take Lindsay to Daycare. She got to pick her own clothes out, and some of the combinations were doozies.
I don't know why, but I never did go to the thrift stores...I didn't really know they existed, but it is a good idea for getting things that look brand new at a good price...kids grow out of their clothes so fast!
Also, if something gets ruined, one doesn't have to think about the $49.00 outfit that was worn one time like I did.
All of my kids had a lot of really cute (and expensive) clothes...and it always made me feel good to give them to mom's who could never afford them in a million years and their eyes just sort of 'lit up' when I gave them things that got too small...sometimes barely worn.
As a grandma, I have spent a pretty penny on my grandkids too over the years...buying clothes.
When I shop, it is like buying out the whole damned store sometimes, because I see so many cute things!
Besides...It's fun!
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