Ok- so I am not sure what the title of this psot should be, "Lonely Trip" or "Bad time estimater" or a combination of both.
On Tuesday when I posted late in the day I had every intention of editing the video I had and posting it Wednesday. of course I forgot I had to go to Anaheim and not only should I have posted about that but any time I go on a trip the day before I go always ends out being horrid.
Anyway, so I left out of town and didn't post anything.
I had to go to Anaheim for a conference. I thought I had to be there at 10am on Thursday so I had planned to leave Thursday morning as it takes about 4 hours and I figured I could do that. At about noon on Wednesday I got an email reminder about the conference and a class I was going to attend and they changed the time to 8 am. GREAT! I thought, that changes my time estimates drastically. I ended up deciding that since I am not a morning person anyway, I would leave Wed. night after Ean went to bed. So that is what I did. I ended up making it in 3 hours since I was going through LA at midnight.
I stayed in the Disneyland hotel and when I got up Thursday morning and headed down to my class I immediately wished Jim and the boys were there. There were so many families with little children, I wanted to skip my conference and go play with my babies. I even considered having Jim come down on Friday and go to Disneyland on Saturday, I scratched that idea since I knew he would have had a hard time getting all the necessities for everyone AND driving all the way with both kids by himself.

I had a decent time, pretty good actually except for missing my boys (all three of them). Between the hotel and the park there is about a half mile of shops and restaurants called "Downtown Disney" which is free so I was able to go shopping and eat etc. (btw- as promised when we were in Georgia, I got the "Disney Fact Boy" a couple of presents since it is the 50th anniversary of Disneyland). I also of course got Ean, Ben and Jim stuff too. One of the things I got Ean was a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal and he hates it like he hates his stick horse. Stupid thing was like $50.

I got home Friday evening after a 5 hour drive home in the rain and wind, YUCK! I stayed with the boys yesterday while Jim went out and played all day to get his break after 48 hours of total responsibility. We were taken to dinner by some clients as a thank you (and it was awesome) last night while the kids stayed with the babysitter. Ean has been saying Diego all day, that is my clients son's name, I guess they had fun. As soon as they get up from nap we are going to get out of house and go see my dad and maybe stop by the grocery store.
I took the below video about a week ago. I have thought long and hard about posting it since it looks like I am torturing my kid. I am not though. Ean as you have probably noticed or know already, has a favorite blanket. He will carry that blanket and "sniff" it until it is so filthy it is standing by itself. He will NOT let me wash it and he freaks out when I have to take it to put it in the washer. SO... I try to throw it in after he is already in the car in the morning and put it in the dryer without him seeing when we get home after work. Well the night of the video he saw it come out of the washer (he is like his mother, he doesn't miss much) and into the dryer. You will see the results.

Immediately after I stopped videoing I took it out of the dryer (still wet) and let him have it.
Oh we loved the video and did not think it was torture at all. Disney is weird without kids. When we went in September we had a good time but wished the kids were with us. Please keep posting the videos we love them.
I love the top picture of you... it looks like you have a cool tall hat on!
Ean looks so sad... I guess that is what I have to look forward to with Lucas and his blanket person :) I went out for coffee with a friend the other night and Curt stayed with Lucas. He woke up b/c he had a dirty diaper and Curt said he wouldn't go back to sleep for about 30 minutes because he was crying...
When I got home I fed him and put him back to bed and he wouldnt' go to sleep for me either... then I realized his blanker person was missing. Daddy had left it out on the couch. The second he had his lovie back in his arms he rolled over and went to sleep.
Thank GOodness Lisa told me I should get a second one if I could find it because every week or so I switch them out so they don't get too funky (or if we have to take it to Curt's parents house b/c when we get back it will reek of smoke and I wouldn't be able to put him to bed with out washing it first and that would never work)
Thanks for sharing the video!!
EAN surely wanted his blanket, no doubt...cute video..thanks!
The only one of my children who 'had' to have their 'blankie' was YOU Lindsay...maybe that is why you thought others would think you cruel when Ean spotted it.
"Your blanket" got frayed after 100 or 200 washes, so it started 'getting smaller' as parts of it had to be 'cut' off until it was the size of a wash rag!
It seems like '3' was the magic age for you to give it all up...the bottle, the poo poo pants...but not that damned blanket!
I can't remember when it finally 'disappeared' from the face of the earth...but when it did, you wern't 'dating yet'. lol
Let me know how the conference went...and it WOULD be awful to be at DISNEYLAND without children...although EAN and BEN are just a little young for it.
"5" seems to be the magic number for the first trip to Disneyland...so they aren't scared of Mickey Mouse and everything else there...believe me, that is no fun. Been there, done that.
4 is the age! We took Jordan on her 4th birthday and we plan to take Emily on hers as well! LOL! Yep Lizard and her darn blanket, I remember teasing her pulling in down the hall with her trying to grab it and crying all the way! Mean old sissy!
Love you
We took Colby at 1 year. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Matthew was 4 on his first visit. (Shane is afraid of the characters and Colby at 2 isn't) Go figure.
Ps: at 33 I am afraid of most rides.
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