I hate to bring the kids home when she is still there because Ean immediately starts trashing the house (not literally but you know what I mean). Anyway, if I was her and I had just spent 5 hours cleaning up after somebody I would be p-d off to have some brat start tearing things up before I even left. So to waste time (and money, just kidding) the boys and I went to Target. If you have never been to a store with two babies it is an experience.
Ben can't sit up in the cart yet so I have to bring his big car seat and put it where they would sit, so Ean has to sit in the cart part with all of the things I am going to buy, and my purse and the diaper bag. Needless to say, it is kind of like a marathon, or better yet a shopping spree. No time to look just grab the things and run. They were actually ok, I have learned to get Ean food right away so as soon as we got there I got him "copcorn" and water and gave him my keys. Of course by the end of the, maybe 20 minutes, when we were done he was bored with the popcorn and keys and was in my purse pulling out every business card saying "money" and playing with my phone, the water cup had no straw anymore and everything I had put in the cart had been fingered.
Then Ben, also pretty good, had just been woke up from his nap when I got to daycare and was starving. Thank goodness for pacifiers because when he would whine I gave him that and he would suck, suck, suck and eventhough he realized it wasn't what he really wanted it would buy me time to get "one more thing". I did have to pick him up right after I took the pictures below since I had stopped the cart and was looking at bibs.
OH BIBS-With both of them eating I can't keep a clean bib around and those cheapy little bibs you get as a gift don't work. I was trying to find the cheapest but biggest bibs (feeder bibs). I am funny about things, I spend a lot of money on things people don't think are important , but I bargain shop for bibs. Some of the bibs were like $5, too much I thought especially when they are just a piece of towel with a hole in it and I wanted to get like 5 of them. I don't care if they have Sponge Bob, or Dora the Explorer or Elmo on them and neither does my 5month old or two year old and especially not the oatmeal, or carrots, or peaches that are going to fall on it. So I found some (not the ones I linked to) that were like $2.99 and I only got 3. I wish I was a bargain shopper like Lisa but I don't.
While I was there I thought about making this post and figured I would take a cute picture of them in the cart, I have put all four of the shots together because after four I finally gave up. Ean would not look at me for anything, even when I promised him candy and money. Stubborn BRAT!

Anyway, Jim who was wasting time at Lowes met me and helped me check out. Ben was DONE by then and simply wanted to be held, but so did Ean and so far Ean can scream loader and make a bigger scene.

Also, the carpet went in, in our Tulare house and it is coming together. I am attaching a teaser shot for those who care.

Oh I could so relate to your bib story and your shopping story. My problem is worse now because Colby wants to ride in the backseat (The back of the cart) and throws a fit if Shane sits in there. Shane is just way too big to sit in the front when a toddler is trying to climb out of the sides. I haven't even mentioned I shop without Matthew because he teases Shane. I resort to taking the stroller in and letting Escape Artist (Shane) walk. Sometimes when I have to get lots of things I convince Colby that he can't ride in the back seat because we are getting his juice, or a cake or something he will like. I've tried the cupcorn thing, and sometimes that works. The bib thing, I got lots of bibs for Shane and Colby as shower presents and then for Colby's birthday I asked Kari to please buy Colby bibs that I let Shane wear too.
Ps: Thanks for the teaser shot. I care! When will we see more?
Wow...the Tulare house is looking good...
...and it doesn't look like Jim is too thrilled with his evening in that photo.
and I agree that it is good to delay going home until the housekeeper can take a final look around and say 'It is good'...
...before the tornado's hit it (including you and Jim...lol).
I love the pictures...of my "perfect" grandsons.
yeah we go through a lot of bibs here and that is just one baby! I started having a "bib of the day" and just let Lucas use the same bib all day... of course it looks NASTY by the end of the day!
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