While I was cleaning Ean's main car seat on the chance he gets to go to daycare today I thought of that. I couldn't clean anybody else's puke up other than my kids and I realized I don't pay my daycare lady enough. God bless her!!
Ben woke up actually I woke up, and he had pooped (diarrea) all over, it also leaked out onto our clean sheeted freshly made bed (since Ean did the same thing two days ago). After I changed him I remebered the car seats were out on the front so I took on the task of dismantling them to wash the covers.
Jim just walked in and wants me to hold Ben now since he is fussing, I guess I haven't been doing enough at this 3:30 in the morning, so I will go and see what else I can do to prevent me from getting precious sleep.

This is just a random picture, it was taken at Joey's wedding last month.
Oh Happy One Month Joe!
2006 is starting out to be a crappy year. I hope February gets better. Give my buddies hugs and kisses from auntie.
Love you
I am really getting a strange feeling about this 'flu' sinus infection, upper respitory, bronchitus, combo
crud' that has hit soooo many people this year. All over the country.
The Doctors don't seem to have any answers for it, yet it seems to last for more than a month for many...and it is violent.
Yet, it hit so many that had vaccinations (like us)...for the supposedly 'really bad flu'.
Things that make ya go Hmmmm.
My love and prayers are with you all...and the poor little ones who don't have a clue as to what hit them.
Do whatever you need to do to get some rest and sleep. NOTHING is as important as keeping Mama going.
Without 'Mama' running a family, the whole ship starts sinking.
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