Sunday night after I did the post about Ean, he woke up from his nap a whole different kid. He was happy, didn't have a fever and ate the rest of peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I thought everything was going to be ok. Of course the "bomb" came a little while later and he filled his diaper but at least he was still in a good mood.
Monday morning came and both of us (Ean and I) were sick. He and I slept until 11am then got up and tried to eat and went back to sleep then got up and tried to do something and again went back to sleep. He didn't throw up at all but still had really bad diarrea. Keeping him hydrated is my main concern. Ben has been pretty good through everything, he had a fever one day (not sure which one now) and has a little diarrhea but not like Ean. He went to day care and Jim went to work. I vowed that if Ean was not better today he would be going to the doctor.
This morning I was MUCH better, in fact I got up with the boys fed Ean a whole bowl of Oatmeal, which I took as good news since he has not eaten much in the last four days, got them and me ready and started to load up the car. Ean had fallen asleep while I was getting ready and that is not like him but I didn't think much of it so I put him in the car last (after the dog, Ben, the bottles, my purse, an extra change of clothes, just in case, and a bottle of Pedialyte). I strapped Ean in and went around to get in and when I looked back he had puked all of his oatmeal up. I had tried to give Jim the morning off so he was still asleep except for me kissing him goodbye but I had to wake him up and make him come out in the cold because I still had to get to work and take Ben to daycare.
Jim got Ean back undressed, in the shower and cleaned up and I came back and took him to the doctor. Of course the doctor did nothing. He reassured me it is just the stomach flu and it would pass. He didn't think he was dehydrated and gave me some tips to try to curb the diarrhea. He said if it got worse to call him and sent us home. I was able to take Ean to daycare as he seemed ok and had been playing at the doctors and was happy. She called me after nap though and told me to come get him as his diarrhea was still bad. Jim got him about 3pm and brought him home. Apparently they had macaroni and cheese for lunch because Jim got to see that again too. Two notes: two year olds don't chew their macaroni and we now have TWO car seats on our front porch filled with puke.
So as I would like to say we are feeling better we are not really. It is 9:30pm and as I was sitting there watching Dirty Jobs (our new favorite show) and realized ALL my KIDS were asleep I figured I would update and try to get some sleep before the next round of diaper changes or bedding and clothes changes or if I am lucky bottle feeding and taking the dog to potty comes.
too bad you couldn't get the host of the show to come do your and Jim's dirty job! :) Maybe he could clean the car seats for ya! We watched that show tonight too! I think Curt really likes it. I wasn't paying any attention to it though... all i remember is a fire fighter suit and an alligator
Whew I was hoping it was a 24 hr thing. I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry. I hope they are all the way well soon.
ps yes Colby still gets his Pacy at naps and at night. The other day we thought he was going to give his pacy to Lucas (Lucas wasn't here I just suggested since Lucas was a baby him might need it more) He gave it to me and then Ted got it after he said bedtime prayers. Anyways now I think I won't try to give Lucas Colby's pacys (Not that he would use them) that way Colby won't be mad at Lucas.
Poor lindsay, Jim and boys. I don't know how you do it Lindz! It is hard enough for me with one! I you all get better soon!
Love you,
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