This weekend I have had to care for a very sick kid.
On Friday when I picked the boys up from daycare my daycare lady said Ean had diarrhea all day, he also hadn't eaten very well at all. Oh also Ean's little friend had thrown up too but she wasn't sure is she had been sick or just gagged since she does that sometimes.
We had picked them up a little earlier than normal and went home. Ean was pretty lethargic and fell asleep in Jim's lap, Jim laid him down on the chair and I went to run a couple of errands and get dinner. While I was gone Jim thought he heard some gargling coming from Ean and went he looked closer Ean was laying in a puddle of puke. Jim scooped him up and cleaned him up. Ean threw up several more time that night, was running a fever and had his diarrhea still. One time I think he even threw up in Jim's face.
Yesterday he seemed somewhat better but still was running a fever and had diarrhea. He threw up once or twice in the morning but that was it for the day. I thought maybe he would be better today, as he kind of started to play a little. This morning he woke up at 5:45am wanting to EAT so I was optimistic and fed him some toast with peanut butter. He fell back asleep and woke up about an hour later puking. His fever is gone but he still has bad diarrhea and is very weak.
All this time I have been making him drink and try to eat easy things. I got Pedialyte and even Pediasure to keep his nutrients up. I have been searching the internet to see when I should call the doctor or go to the ER. Jim is of course concerned but doesn't think he needs to go in yet. The more I think about it I think I might take him, I just hate dealing with damn emergency rooms and waiting with sick and disgusting people.
Anyway, I will update you as to what happens tonight. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Ean today
Biggest thing is watch his temperature and keep him hydrated!! Watch for lethargy with stiff neck or joints or any skin rashes! This thing going around is nasty!! We have had an outbreak of Meningitis in Portland and then the crud like mom and Allen got! Keep a good eye on Benjamen too, as he will be very suseptable - when in doubt-take them in! Babies and Seniors are the most effected and can be the most dangerous if not treated correctly and quickly! Give boys a big hug and kiss and I will say a prayer - poor little guy! Emily has had a bad cough for a month now- nothing we can do as it is viral! She is able to cough up the phlegm and it is clear! If it lasts much longer I will take her to an allergy specialist to see if she might have allergies. Love to you all.
I'm sorry to hear he is sick. I hope he gets over it soon. I am praying its just a normal run of the mill virus and not a bad one.
I hope your little one gets better too!
I'm hoping Ean is feeling better today. We love you all
:/ poor guy. At least he has a puppy who loves him and a good mom with a so so dad. (Don't get all mad jim...i'm a football bat).
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