Well it is Friday and I have no idea where Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday went.
Since I slept through most of Monday I don't remember it. I took Ean to the doctor and had to clean up puke on Tuesday. Wednesday both boys stayed home and Jim was dying sick by the evening. Thursday was a blur since it was my only day really at work, plus Jim wasn't there so I had double duty. Then there was today. Oh well, the weekend will fly by too and we will be back at Monday before I can even blink.
It seems like I have had more mood swings this week than ever. No not PMS! Just from the sickness to thinking everyone is better to the good things that happen in general and the stress of not having any time to do anything.

side note---- Just as I am typing this thinking how great it is that I actually get to post something without it being in the middle of the night or at work, I look over and the dog is peeing on the floor. Talk about a mood swing, it makes my blood boil everytime, she just won't go where she is supposed to. AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!
Anyway, (deep sigh) for the most part we are doing better. Cross our fingers Tom didn't get sick and with much luck he won't. I am going to try to get a few pictures of him and his car this weekend, it is tough though because usually the only time we see him is to and from school or work and to eat.

I have put some pictures from this week, they are kind of silly. (Click on the top one so you can see Ean's face better.)

I am going to work on a couple of videos I took today and hopefully will post those soon, like this weekend.
Where can I pick up my very own cute little bookend :)
Thanks for posting even though you are so busy with everyone. I hope no one else catchs it and Ean can settle back into his routine soson. I know how those sick days can turn their behaviour upside down.
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