How does this little angel ever get in trouble?? Would this sweet charming boy even know what timeout is? Grandmas and Grandpas don't think this young man could ever do anything wrong!! Judge for yourself (see below), we were cleaning the kitchen while he did this to himself. It is not that he is a messy eater he just gets bored VERY easily.
Oh by the way, after a long time of searching the other day Jim finally found his keys in the cabinet in the kitchen where we keep our drinking glasses. Now even if you have never been to our house, common sense would tell you a nearly two year old should NOT be able to reach a cabinet with drinking glasses but apparently that is not the case in this house.
Watch out Grandma here we come!!!
the top picture really does look angelic
Uh oh Grandma!
Just remember Lindsay and Jim, EAN IS AN ANGEL...and if he ever does anything wrong...it's your fault.
Wasn't it sweet of him to put the keys where Jim cold so easily find them?
What a LITTLE ANGEL, and so cute too! Like his Dad...
He's a "Giver"!
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