I feel like I am in a whirlwind of activity and don't know which way to turn next. I get like that when the house is too dirty or there is too much laundry piled up I panic and run around in circles.
Not necessarily in order of importance I have to coordinate three loans to close in my absence, buy groceries to stock the motor home, get the motor home set up with our stuff in it and figure out what will fit and what I can't take, do final laundry, pack for four people, celebrate Christmas with my Dad, figure out what I need for two babies for two weeks on the road, conservatively pack for cold, wet, and not so cold weather for four people(yes I have to pack for Jim too), instruct my secretary on anything that might happen while we are gone, pay bills, there are tons more things to do that I can't even think of now.
There are so many things like pack and load that can't be done until the last minute because we use them that we are probably going to be up all night tomorrow getting ready to go. I will be so happy once we get on the road but until then I will be a stress case. Once we are gone and there is no turning back I will be great and excited but I have a tendency to overpack so I will have to control myself and really think about what we need.
I have been promising to go through the trip in detail so I guess now is a good time to do that.
We are renting a 29 foot Class C motor home, it sleeps 7 and has all of the amentities of home just in a more compact space. The RV is a lot like the one here:

We (Jim, Lindsay, Tom, Ean, Ben, Grandma/Dolores) will be leaving from Visalia early morning Thursday heading North to my mom's in Toledo Oregon, making a pit stop in Red Bluff to see Grandma's sister for an hour or two, where we will stay and celebrate Christmas until December 28th. The weather is supposed to be 55 degrees and raining.

771.5 miles
On December 28th we will head East to Caldwell Idaho where we will watch my brother get married. The weather there is much worse with a high of 36 degrees and showers.
532.4 miles
We will stay there until the 31st and begin to head home from there. We do not have any plans from that day on except to be home on the 4th. We are going to make our way home slowly and see what we we see, we do not have any reservations or concrete plans. It is totally against my nature to travel this way but Jim and I did it for our honeymoon and it was great, so I am hoping it will be fun this time too.
All in all I am more excited than anything, there is just so much to do and so little time to do it.
I hope you have a wonderful time.
You have been here several times now honey bun...with just a couple of suitcases and you were 'overpacked'...
...you don't need food except to snack on...and for Ben...we have plenty for everyone (and I know I always say we are in the 'wilderness' but we are only 1 mile and a half off Highway 20! lol
...remember those outfits I said I got for Ben and Ean...make that 10 for Ben, and close to it for Ean...not to mention Jackets and Hats and Mittens etc.
I have Ben's 'wrapped' so it can all be opened at once. I also have some 'surprises' for you and Jim....or (ahem...) I should say 'SANTA' stopped by and left you stuff because we aren't buying each other anything this year.
Surely I can't be held responsible for what Santa does? I have been having the time of my life shopping and shopping and shopping...and I am worried if you overpack...there won't be room to take all that LOOT HOME?!
I am getting Diapers tomorrow...Huggies size 1 and Huggies size 5 (you poor things...)
Wipes, spagetti O's for days and other kiddie stuff (which I pretty much already have for Emily...).
What size shoes does Ean wear...as I will probably get him some rainboots...that is all he will be missing to go outside and play with whoever is game...as he will otherwise be warm and cozy.
ALL THAT SAID, I AM JUST AS BAD AS YOU ARE...as I am going in circles and creating more circles as I go!
Maybe that is where you learned it! lol
Just load the minimum and go...there are plenty of stores with just about anything you can imagine in them..so no worry about that.
I am VERY EXCITED as I can't remember ever DECORATING the house AS MUCH AS I HAVE...and doing this much ADVANCE Planning for anything in my (or your) entire LIFE!
Better hurry before I die from chasing my tail...I am getting 'weirder and weirder' with each passing day!
Can't wait to see you all!
hope you have a safe trip!
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