I was just going to do a post for the day but then I saw that this is my 100th post. WOW, that is cool. I have truely enjoyed keeping this blog and inspiring other blogs. I am really happy that I can keep up with everyone far away and you have the chance to see the boys as they grow up.
I have learned many things to add to the posts like videos and links and look forward to learning more. Thank you for your continued viewing.
Jim HATES to fold and put away laundry so much that he made a deal to clean the kitchen and family room, GOOD, if I put away the laundry. I immediately took that because the only thing I hate more than putting away laundry is doing dishes and deep cleaning.
Our house cleaner comes Tuesday so the house is at its worst, plus we want her to be done early since we are doing Christmas with my dad's family Tuesday night.
Jim is going to get the top cleaning done for her and the laundry will also be done so that will help her to get everything else done and be gone early.
Ean and Ben are sleeping so hopefully we will be done by the time they get up so we can finish the remaining Christmas shopping we have and get everything for our trip, and some surprises for our Oregon family (some things they can't get in Oregon).
This morning Ean got up friggin early and was running amuck while I tried to get my eyes open enough to watch him. He finally woke me up by bringing me a mini candy bar he found for me to open. I didn't know where he got it so it got me up because if I didn't know where it had come from then he really got into something he wasn't supposed to. Turns out they were in Jim's nightstand and that was all he had found. We went downstairs and I made waffles. Ean played all morning and Ben didn't get up until 10:30am. Jim and I played with Ben some and did some dancing (that is when I got the pictures). We will be busy little bees this week since we are leaving Thursday really early.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

congrats on the 100 posts! I am so glad we have all found this way to keep in touch!
Wow 100 posts. I wish I wouldn't have deleted all my archives before I realized what I was doing DUH!!!! Oh well.
oh how do you tell how many posts you have anyway
thanks I found it.
One hundred Posts of GREAT JOY for me and Papa...and THANK YOU for getting us involved.
I am always 'disappointed' now when there is no new post for several days...'spoiled already'.
BEN looks so different than EAN in these photos! I can see both you and Jim in him...and also see you and Jim in EAN, but still...the Boys look completely different!
I can't wait to snuggle little Ben again...and maybe EAN will follow Emily onto Grammies Lap here and there....can't wait to see you all!
Yeah, I read your blog almost every time I go online. It feels good to know how family is doing all the time.
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