Hello- it is 4am and I have just put EVERYBODY back to bed.
Now that Ean knows how to get out of his bed, he does. So almost every night he winds up in our room. Since Ben is so little he is in our bed after his first feeding each night (I am too lazy to put him back) so it gets crowded. I usually just hug him for a few minutes on me then take him back to bed, but since he got up earlier and Ben wasn't there yet and he had a fever I let him stay. Ean doesn't stay in one place when he sleeps so not long after that Jim got up (as he usually does every night, anyway). Tonight he built Ean's main Christmas present. His first trike. It is so cute I can't wait until Ean can ride it good.

At about 2:30am Ben started to stir and Ean was in our bed, still. I went down to get Jim so he could help me get them situated. Normally I would have just taken Ean back to bed but he was terribly hot and I wanted to make him a pallet in our room but Ben needed his bottle made too. Jim came up and made the bottle while I made the pallet and got Ean. I gave Ean some Tylenol and changed him out of his footed pajamas into a t-shirt and pants. I also wanted to take his temp. which is what really woke him up (only 100.8, not too bad). After that we had to play for a while. Finally, after Ben had 6oz (wow a lot) and Ean had some Gatorade and played a little, I took Ean to bed a left a dozing Ben with Jim on our bed to look at mom's blog (Jim read and told me about) and make this post.
Anyway, I am glad tomorrow is Saturday since the boys are sick and we are recovering and have lots to do before we leave on our trip.
These pictures are from Thursday night when we were trying to keep Ean up later hoping that would help him to sleep through the night. (It did that night)

who is going to tuck you back into bed? :) I guess we were up at the same time... you there at 4 and me here at 7 with Lucas.
Your little boys are so adorable. Your big boy looks tired. I bet Ean is going to love his new trike.
I don't think this is part of the "JOY'S OF PARENTHOOD" everyone talks about.
You both look very tired, but remain pretty good sports all concerned. HUGS, Mom
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