Last night was not good for the kids. We are feeling better but they seem to be holding on to this junk longer. Ben doesn't know how to get the flem out of his throat so he will cough a little bit but then he make the most awful chocking gasping sound because he is trying to hack it up. When he eats it is the worst, you know how milk makes you flem up well that is how it is for him. So he was up and down a lot last night trying to clear his throat, then his nose is stuffed up too.
Ean's eyes are both infected now and he has junk in his throat. He usually sleeps all night but he got up twice last night. One time I woke up and he was standing by the bed. I cuddled him for a few minutes and put him back in his bed the other time I woke up and his feet were in my face. I don't know how that happened because I doubt he could have climbed into bed but I don't remember pulling him up and I know Jim didn't. I put him back then too and the next thing I knew it was morning and Ean was in our bathroom getting into trouble.
I went ahead and took Ean to daycare but kept Ben hoping he will feel better. It is one thing for me to be sick but it is so much more awful when the kids are sick, I feel so helpless. We have seen the doctor so I am sure they will be fine it is just knowing what they are going through and not being able to help them that sucks.
BTW- After 5 days of my throat being sore today although it feels better I have NO VOICE. Jim is in hog heaven because I can only whisper and can't yell for him to come to me or to "nag" at him, eventhough I NEVER nag. HA!
Below are acouple pics from yesterday. One is Jim in his office that we decorated for his birthday, the pin on his chest says "kiss me it's my birthday" then the other is Ean in the shower last night, I wanted to get a cute one of him looking up but we got this one instead, notice the prize he left us while we were getting the camera. That one is for Joey.

Hope Joey likes his prize. Its funny you wrote on being sick. I posted to my blog before I read yours.
sounds like we are all sick
Poor Jim doesn't look like he feels good in spite of all the wonderful thought that has gone into his birthday!
Sorry to hear that everyone is still sick. did the doctor give the boys antibiotics for their infections...I forgot?
I had the same sore throat and no voice thing a few months was weird! Hope that is soon gone as well.
Hope you ALL have a 'restful weekend' to gather up some strength...and my hugs and love are with you to GET WELL SOON!
Love, Mammie
PS - Loved the 'gift' from Ean for Joey...glad it isn't for me as I have plenty of those 'gifts' around here with Allen gone, but they are ALL waiting for Allen to return and get them ALL for himself. ha ha
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