Monday, February 25, 2008

Just a damn Thank you!!

On the list of bad weeks, this has to be the worst.

I never wanted to be the person who stayed home, made NO money and had to deal everyday with loads and loads of laundry, what to make for dinner every night, cleaning dirty boys' bathrooms, vacuuming, cleaning, grocery shopping with two toddlers, figuring out which bill you can afford to pay and which bill can wait, and getting up everyday to see the job you did three or four days ago needs to be done again! Not to mention, trying to run a dying business on top of it all!!!

This really is not MY DREAM JOB- more power to my friends and family who do this because I hate it!!! No, it is not lifting heavy machinery, or working in a stinky manufacture house, or pushing paper all over the place, but it is a thankless job. Because all your"bosses" don't have a clue "what it is you do all day".

I am to my wits end!

All I want is one DAMN thank you!!!


K A R I™ said...

It is frustrating I know! I am having my worst week this week too!!! Sending hugs to you (although you might want to disinfect them first since we are still a little sick) ;-)

Linda's World Today said...

THANK YOU for trying so hard to do all you can for your family. THANK YOU for being a wonderful, bright, beautiful and caring daughter. THANK YOU for giving me two wonderful little grandsons...and for bringing Tom into our lives as well..I love the knuckelhead.