Well, after my post I went to find something to make for lunch. After looking at the bread and lunch meat for a while I said screw it and picked up the phone and ordered a pizza. They said it would be 45 minutes so I thought that was perfect.
I called the client who ended up not being home and picked up the dog poop and cleaned the back patio.

When the pizza got here...

I grabbed some and a Pepsi and sat down to watch videos and read while Ben played and watched videos too.
Ean got up later than I had expected and I caught a great shot of him that I will use when he starts dating.
All in all a good day.
Last night we went to dinner with some cool clients that are relocationg from Wisconsin. (Hi Jeni) They have a 14mo. old daughter so I am so excited to become friends with them.
Back to the grind tomorrow and Ean just got up (early today) so we are going to grab sub. sandwiches and head to my dad's.
See y'all later!!!
see y'all later is MY Line HAHAHAHA you just must be getting ready for when them georgia folks come
I love the two posts in one weekend. Thanks for taking the time to let us see into your busy life. Ean and Ben are as handsome as ever. I do think that and 8 by to framed of Ean with his latest picture would be great to have around when he is a teenager!
OOPs I meant 8 by ten (Ever since I made fun of Tommy's spelling that one time) I amke mistakes all the time in typos and spelling.
I can't wait to kiss Ben's chubby little cheeks! I love the picture of the two of you and the one of him and the pizza.
Great pics of the boys and it sounds like you got a little extra time in as well...good.
Course poo patrol isn't all that dandy...lol
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