So in my one hour what should I do?

Clean the Bacon grease off the griddle from breakfast.

Pick up the dog poop and clean the back porch. (Didn't think you wanted the Large view)

Call a client (per Jim's request) that is interested in buying one of his listings.

Sit on my butt, read my magazines (that have been waiting for two weeks) and watch Country Videos.
Being the working woman I am I will probably call the client, but what an evil trick to have to choose.
First I am going to make and eat lunch and call to make dinner reservations.
Ahh dinner reservations. I just put Tombstone Pizza in the oven (I'm still dealing with the clothes)
I have a stack of unread magazines dating back from July... and more keep coming.
Well, eating lunch and calling the client should about do it for that one single hour you have to yourself...
I don't think I owned a magazine when Wendy and David were little...and at three years apart there was a longer duration of having to keep the 'beady eye' on them longer than you are going to have to do...
I didn't find little ones 'trustworthy' to be left alone until they are about 5 -6 and then one needs to 'check' often to see what they are up to.
Usually things like 'seeing if they can fly off a roof' with their superman capes (towels), or tearing up the garage shingles to build an airplane...or maybe 'cook' breakfast for you...(oops dropped the sugar and flour bag on the floor).
I hate getting more 'crumped up' in the body, but being a grandparent is the best of both worlds in my humble opinion.
You get to enjoy the little buggers and be entertained and loved by them...and then, they get to go home.
...and you can read any magazine you want for the next ten hours if you choose. ha ha
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