Here are the pictures from this weekend.
When he is twelve I will want to knock him out for doing this, but for now it is so cute.

THIS is the ONLY reason why we still have that dog. Actually she is doing much better, I don't think we have had an accident since HER ACCIDENT.

Who would have EVER thought this cat would put up with these boys.

I would have guessed. Especailly since Matches was sat on by a little boy 11 years ago and he is still as good natured as can be.
those pictures were worth the wait! I love kid and pet pictures (if you can't tell ha ha)
THIS cat doesn't tolerate anybody. She does NOT have a good nature so that is why it is such a shock. HA! She is more patient with Ean than she is even with me.
Me and Jordan say To Cute, we miss Ean and Benny so much! Can't wait to see our buddies!.
Wendy and JOJO
I think 'Larry' has just been 'worn down' into submission...
...the 'funny faces' are part of these boys heritage..my side of course.
...and it is awesome to be a grammie of Grandchildren that are PERFECT in every way!
PS - That dog has enormous ears doesn't she?
You could burp a block away and she would hear you...amazing!
Guess 'Slim's training method' worked when all else failed, after all....(I hate to admit that BTW).
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