I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but Jim HATES to go out to eat with the boys. He is such a nervous nelly about Ean talking too loud or making a mess or anything that it totally stresses him out when we do go out. He would rather stay home and starve than go out. Also, Jim will not punish Ean, so he just gets upset himself and won't "take Ean to the bathroom" if you know what I mean. The responsibility for entertainment and punishment in a restaurant usually falls on me. Anyway, we went to Mimi's Cafe, it is right by the house and they have a little plate they bring out with cheerios and fruit to tide the kids over and entertain them while waiting.
I was so relieved that we were finally able to go out I was trying to make it a peaceful evening. We already knew what we wanted when we got there and I ordered the easiest thing possible (and his favorite) for Ean, a PB &J sandwich so we wouldn't have to wait very long.
Now you have to keep in mind, Ean NEVER sits still and we usually don't go anywhere that he has to. Even in the car, he is eating or drinking or pointing at objects and talking or playing with something, never just riding. So, at a restaurant (since we never go) he doesn't understand why he can't run around or be loud or bang things. I have toys and snacks and a cup of juice and all of that stuff keeps him entertained for a few minutes at a time then he is on to next, and when he is hungry nothing makes him happy and he throws the most awful tantrums (like all of the other Moore boys I know). Also, since he is potty training too, we had to really go to the bathroom 3 times, I think mainly because he thought it was fun and at least it kept him entertained.
Anyway back to my story; So we get to Mimi's and immediately we ask for a high chair and the kids plate. They bring that eventually after asking three times and Jim and Ean have already started fighting. We get him in the high chair and he is occupied by the cheerios and orange slice for maaayyybee 5 minutes, maybe. The waiter promptly brings the juice which is good and that adds a couple more minutes. Then Ben starts in, I had already made a bottle which I quickly pulled out and stuck in his mouth. In the meantime Ean grabs a spoon and dumps his cheerios out to stir the cup they were in, oh and bathroom trip number one is requested.
I can see the fire in Jim's eyes as I struggle to get out of the, way in the back cramped corner, booth they stuck us in and I tell Jim to deal with Ben and I will take over Ean. We went to the bathroom and came back and finally the guy took our order. Soups and salads, water and a kids PB and J sandwich. Not too long after he brought MY soup, then MY salad then Jim's soup and Jim's salad, all the time promising the sandwich "right away". We are now trying to eat AND keep Ean occupied and praise Ben for being such a good boy.
We were pretty much done eating by the time he finally brought the sandwich and Jim was thoroughly disgusted with the whole evening. We finished eating and Ean ate his sandwich peacefully. The waited brought the check and Jim already had his credit card ready to go and we got the hell out of there.
The point of this story is that this is not the only time this has happened. No matter what we order it always seems that the kid's food comes out last. We have even told the waiter or waitress that as soon as the kid's food is ready, to bring it out, and it still is last. To me that is absurd, it is in their best interest to make the kids happy.
I remember before I had kids how impatient I was if there were loud kids in the area, as a parent I remember that and am overly sensitive to that and try to keep them quiet and occupied but when a restaurant isn't doing their job it makes my job impossible.

When I saw the title of your post "out to eat" I thought what is that? LOL Curt is the SAME way! In the last 7 months we have only gone out to eat once alone leaving Lucas for 45 minutes with Ted and Lisa and then a handful of times with Curts family where we can play pass the baby... I haven't convinced Curt to go out to eat with just the three of us because he is the same way as Slim... ooops I mean Jim. He is always worried that Lucas might fuss or other people might be annoyed. I was hoping that would change now that Lucas can eat stuff too... *sigh*
Well Ted does the bathroom thing with Shane and Colby. He yanks them out of the high chair or booster seat so fast and then when they come back things seem to be better. They do act up yet we go out to eat and take the kids all the time. I have noticed that we go out a lot less latley (since it is a pain) to wait for food if the kids are really hungry. Our kids mostly eat from the Adult menu so we don't have the kid food problem.
I didn't see this post earlier...and I laughed a lot at the 'trips to the bathroom' even though it was for the right reason. lol
When Ean talks and understands a little better and talks more...he will learn good manners in a restaurant. Ben will follow what Ean does, so you might be able to enjoy a family dinner out..sooner than you think.
PS Mimi's didn't get our soup and salad right for lunch the day you and I went there...but lots of apologies.
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