Monday mornings are never really smooth in the "Moone" household. Since the weekend is usually hectic and the kids are ready to get back to the routine everyone is a little on edge. The routine in the house is usually that one parent will get up with the 2 year old "Ethan" feed him breakfast and put the dog "Kiwi" out to go potty. The other parent will get up with the baby "Ken" and will get dressed themself. This particular morning the dad "Slim" was charged with the feeding and pottying. When the mom "Leslie" and son "Ken" came down stairs after getting dressed "Slim" announced that the dog might be hurt.
When "Leslie" looked outside in "Kiwi's" direction it appeared that her whole leg was dislocated. Upon further inspection it was discovered that the leg wasn't broken but something was.
"Slim" claimed that she was fine when she left the house, making no warranties however of her condition when landing on the ground. It was "Leslie's" feeling that when "Slim" opened "Kiwi's" cage door she tried to pee in the house (which has happened before) and "Slim" panicking, overzealously encouraged her to go outside and upon landing hurt herself.
Having a seriously hurt dog and still having to get two children to daycare and be at the office for an early morning meeting "Leslie" called the vet and made an appointment for the earliest possible which ended up being at 10:30am. She told "Slim" that he WAS joining her at the appointment because she wasn't going to be the one to explain to the vet how a little dog like that had gotten hurt so bad.
The morning went along and at the appointment the Vet explained that little dogs are very fragile and especially since she is a puppy she was not surprised at the injury. Of course "Slim" claimed no responsibility and reasoned that maybe she got her foot stuck in the fence (yeah right) while trying to dig. Anyway, she bought it and didn't call the animal control. They took an x-ray which showed four broken toes across the front of the foot. She was splinted and sent home with some pain medication and directions to come back in a week and for the next 6 weeks to get her dressings changed and then see how it is healed after the six weeks.
Now the dog "Kiwi" has a bandage over her whole arm and walks like the three legged dog she is and everytime "Slim" looks in her direction she cowers and runs.
Oh life what an adventure!!!! ....and one more post to prove "what a long strange trip it is!"

The dog was FINE the last time I sae it,All 4 legs working OK, That's my story and Im sticking to it. "Slim"
I guess Ned and Lawyer do get along better than Slim and Kiwi.
How are Todd and Craig, with Kiwi?
Todd is like he is with almost any animal, hi and bye, and Craig is pretty good, he will let her sleep with him and cuddle on the couch with him.
Inspector Clauseau here notes that there were only two 'beings' in the room when the mysterious accident happened.
'Slim and Kiwi'...and the injury is consistent with taking a little rag dog...swinging it around three times in the air by it's tail...and throwing it to the ground resulting in three broken toes.
As a result, in addition to the morning crappy pants routine...it is only fitting that 'Slim' be assigned the caretaking and nursemaking of little 'Kiwi'...without complaint.
Should this solution not work properly, it is suggested that his mother-in-law be invited for an extended stay...and assigned to put up curtains all over the house accented by volumes of cast iron objects.
In addition, all remotes shall be locked in a safe for a long duration, as the two babies and a broken toed dog are left with slim every weekend when his mother-in-law and lovely bride go out and play.
In conclusion, Inspector Clauseau finds it would be far easier to treat the dog like a delicate china tea cup in the future....
Kiwi looks just like Phoebe!
I think the Inspector has the right idea.
Joe- You could be slim so you had better watch out. LOL!
I had to be careful not to pee myself after reading this post as it was very funny. Kiwi sure looks cute in her pink cast. Is slim going to sign it?
Yeah, as Kari said...I was LMAOROF
on this one...and I gained a new appreciation for your 'comedic' skills Lindsay...I guess David and Joey have always been sooo overwhelmingly halarious and are famous for it in our family...I forget how funny you and Wendy can be too.
Thanks for the wake up call.
Oh Lindsay I know what you mean! Sometimes I think it would be nice to go to work and have a "break" but I know you work hard too! :)
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