Meet our new little baby. Of course in our fashion we haven't named her yet. Jim is NOT allowed to name her, since we have a girl cat named Larry. Greg has been calling her Skittles which I like but not sure yet. I like Snickers myself.
Ean is getting used to her, she likes to jump up on him and eventhough she doesn't even push him he kind of freaks out. He is learning to tell her "no-no" and does it often, even when she isn't being bad. He also know how to tell her "go potty" when we take her outside.
She is a Rat Terrier, I did a lot of research on small dogs and this breed seems to be the best for US and our lifestyle. I read somewhere that Rat Terriers are good for people that live a seditary or an active lifestyle. So far she is just as happy laying in my lap as playing with Ean. Ean runs around the island and she chases him and she gets up right next to me to cuddle the minute I sit down. Just what I wanted, in a dog.

We are trying to potty train her and she is getting the hang of it. It is cold as crap outside so she HATES to go out but is learning that if she just hurrys up and goes then she can go in faster. Of course she won't cry to go out if she has to go so we are trying to take her out a lot so she doesn't go in the house.
Also, I am Crate Training her so we can put her in there when we go out and don't take her. She has been doing real good at that except the potty thing, she hasn't got the hang of going when I take her out before and after I put her in the crate and she has had a couple accidents.
I am going to try to get a video of her and Ean playing this weekend if I can get them both to cooperate.
Any name suggestions are encouraged.

She is CUTE...Reminds me of Joey's Dog in her features.
A little Dog is perfect for you I think...I like Snickers too..or Skeeter...or Putter Butt...or Peekaboo, there are so many names that would be cute, I know you'll find one.
Alice or Sophie is nice too...one of those old fashioned Girl names...they're coming back I hear!
If she is crate trained, it may be possible to take her to the office too...so she wont be so lonesome.
Still, a puppy is a puppy so they pee and tear things up...just in your case, in smaller pieces. ha ha
I know they are ready to poop after eating, so if she has specific feeding times and then the bowl is taken away (instead of being a browser) you can count on a poo trip within a half hour or so.
Congratulations! She's a winner!
PS - You can even bring her to the ranch...small turds, no charge.
I forgot to mention that I have been bringing her to the office and it has been working out great she sleeps right by my feet. Clients and guests love it.
PS - We are taking 'the Boys' to the Beach today for the first time.
I'll try to post some pictures of their adventure.
Nickie is gone I fear, I think when the Dogs went on an adventure...they went somewhere she was unable to get out of and the little river was really full and fast.
No Nickie at the pound either...we've checked every day. No found in the newspaper.
It is possible that someone found her and kept her, she was too little for a tag, but did have a collar. That is what Allen and I are hoping anyway...that someone is giving her a good home.
The other alternative is too heartbreaking to consider. No more puppies for us. We're keeping the Boys as they are big enough to fend for themselves out there...go anywhere and do anything.
Got the names, phones today for the Vet to 'fix them', the 'trainer' to train them, and the electric fence to keep them from just taking off when they want to.
Like today, they ended up at the neighbors who breeds champion collies...she sure doesn't want these two at her house when her females are in season...but if they are fixed, they can play anytime. Allen went to get them and they were just 'frolicking' wither her pups.
RIP NICKIE...and it's down to two Dogs for us, and I think that is plenty...even if it is a big ranch.
Your hair looks really cute in the picture with "yet to be determined."
How about Mo and then you can get an another animal and name it curly! ha ha
I wasnted to name Jadie "Bill Clinton" I thought it would be funny to say things like "who pooped in the corner?.... BILL CLINTON"
Sawyer was my name for a boy that Ted didn't like. Smokey was a name we picked out and Matches matched Smokey (Plus Ted collected matchbooks at the time) I say Hillary Clinton so you could say who pooped in the corner? Hillary Clinton
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