... to my 95 year old Aunt Faye!!
My Great Aunt Faye who was born in 1911 (I say that for effect) is 95 today. She is like my Grandma instead of an Aunt. I spent a lot of time with her growing up and she had a big hand in raising me.
She is one of the most amazing people I know. Not only because she is 95 but because how spry she is. Although she has slowed down some in the past couple of years, she is more self sufficient and alert than some who are 20 years younger. I saw that some at Christmas. She tries to do for herself and not ask for help unless she absolutely has to, almost to a fault. When there is any cooking going on she is right in there to make sure it is being done right and she even got irritated at me because I cooked something while we were there and didn't ask her how it should be done. (Here she is making sure I am cooking HER pot Roast right)

Of course when you are 95 there are some things that don't work right. She now wears 2 hearing aids, uses a walker almost full time, and can't see well (she sure fakes it good though). I don't think God designed those things to last that long. Her brain is still with her though and that is what is important as far as I am concerned.
I am really sorry that my kids aren't going to get to know her and probably won't remember a lot about her when they get older. She is definitely a ROCK that I count on.
Anyway Happy Birthday to the oldest person I know, and one of the best too!!!

thanks for sharing that with us
Happy Birthday Lindsay's Aunt Faye
happy birthday aunt Faye
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