As suspected everything is fine. The baby is great he didn't recommend anything for him just maybe a humidifier and some vapor rub but nothing really.
Ean has a viral infection it looks like so he prescribed some eye drops and said to have him take some "over the counter" cough and cold medicine, if we want.
Jim stayed home after we got back from the doctor since I had an appointment already scheduled and now I am home, going to try to get something done since Ean is still down for his nap.

Here is a picture I took of Jim and Ean when we went to feed the ducks recently, I don't think I ever posted that video, I will do that soon.
Good luck with all of the packing for your trip. I'm glad that it wasn't anything that really super serious. I hope the vapor rub and humidifier work wonders. I hope Ean's eye clears up really quick too.
i keep a cool mist vaporizer running in Lucas' room every time he is in there to sleep since he has had problems breathing through his nose and it has been a life saver. He has been clear nosed for weeks (knock on wood) I hope it helps Ben feel better too!
Poor Babies...Get them all well so their auntie can love on in (well maybe benji (jordans name for him) will let me love on him. Ean isn't to fond of this auntie lady he doesn't know! LOL
Happy Anniversay, sorry I forgot to call! I try to keep it all straight but December is everyones birthday, anniversary etc.
My how the time flies! Best wishes and all my love.
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