For those of you who consider yourselves "nursing Nazi's" reading this post might be hazardous to your health.
Just kidding.
After trial and error I have decided not to nurse Ben anymore. I started out with all good intentions on nursing him as long as possible. I nursed Ean for 3 months and wanted to do that with Ben or longer if I could. Immediately after we got home from the hospital I realized he needed bottle supplement, he was just too hungry. So I nursed him until I didn't have anymore to offer then we would give him a bottle. That seemed to quench his hunger but another problem came up. Colic, a terrible TERRIBLE thing. I am not sure if it is the alternating that irritated his stomach or what I was eating but he was terrible ALL OF THE TIME. The Gas Relief drops worked a little bit but I hate giving any kind of medicine for any length of time.
Last week I finally had enough. I am a very patient person and if he was my only child and I didn't have to work little alone run a company along with the other million things that take my time I might have been able to manage a colicky baby but I can't. So, I tried NOT nursing him for a day and it seemed to work miracles. He actually slept pretty good that night and didn't seemed to grunt and cry hardly at all. I went back to nursing and it was worse again.
I know all of the health benefits from nursing and feel extremely guilty about not giving him the same start as I did Ean but for my sanity and his comfort I have decided that he is better off with bottles. He has been on strictly bottle for about 5 days now and everything is ok.
Ben is just not as laid back as Ean was. (I should really stop comparing them).
I will just talk about Ben and not the comparison. Ben is already showing that he is fairly high maintenance. He wants to be held and if he is almost asleep in your arms and you lay him down he cries. He has been eating 2 oz. at a time and wants to eat every two hours. Have you ever tried to do something EVERY TWO HOURS? It is hard to plan ANYTHING when you have less than two hours to do it and get back to feed a baby. I have had many screamfests in the car already and anticipate more. Ben doesn't mind the car but doesn't like the carseat, so I guess that cancels itself out.
I can say that it could be worse, A LOT WORSE, he is fairly patient when he is hungry, he will fuss for a while instead of being instantly mad and screaming and he does sleep pretty good when he first goes to sleep at night so we can get a few hours in a row of sleep and he is real good in his swing during the day so I can work. I have heard horror stories of babies so I know I have it pretty good.
I am a firm believer that this country needs a lot more prospective parent classes because people just don't know what they have in store when they are looking at having kids.
When my generation came along it was fashionable to bottle feed, in fact...breast feeding was frowned upon as animalistic.
Yes, an infant gets our antibodies with breast milk and of course there are benefits...but if a baby is colicky with breast milk...he may not be able to tolerate it. Thank God formula is available today.
You are just amazing to me in all you do, and I beg you not to be so hard on yourself. I think as Ben packs on some pounds...the time between feedings will lengthen considerably...and maybe Mom and Dad can get a moment's rest...but I can't figure when that would be knowing how the schedule works!
Hang in there...and here's a hug. I wish I was there to rock that baby for you again....and in those times when 'screamfests' come upon all honest mothers can admit...about the only realization that offers any relief is...
this too, will pass.
You're the Best!
I can honestly say that breastfeeding has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do, even harder than labor (even though I was in labor for almost 3 days!!) and if I had to work I know I wouldn't be nursing now!
No matter how you feed him there will be someone that thinks the other way is better. People still try to talk me out of nursing because they think it is gross, or that all of Lucas' problems would be solved if I just gave him formula. I know if I was doing formula I'd be hearing it from the other side as well. (I've actually given Lucas formula a few times... and I would still give him fomula once in a while exceot he down right refuses it now...shh don't tell my mom the original nursing nazi! lol)
Don't feel bad about your choice, besides your giving Ben the most important thing he needs anyway... lots of love. All of the nursing freaks in GA still love you and I think you are doing a great job! :)
I can honestly say I understand. I had two and one was a horrible nurser, and I quit after 6 weeks. The other one was great and it lasted a lot longer. I think that whatever works for you and Ben is what is right. Hang in there you have two terrific little boys.
I'm sorry about the colic. I hope now that you have changed food it gets all better. I used to think breastfeeding was the easiest thing until Shane and Colby came along. And I certainly couldn't compare those two boys to the LAID back Matthew. Even some of the problems I had with Colby nobody ever understood and if I mention it now, I know people think I am lying. Someone at Kari's ob appointments, told her Colby's problem couldn't happen. I guess I am one of the Nazi's. I hope I never make anyone feel pressured one way or the other. Truthfully Ted is the Nazi but he can only be one since he has never actually breastfed. Like your mom said I do think you might be too hard on yourself. You did give him breastmilk. Even small amounts just in the begining are good. Some babies never even get that.
My Poor Sister - I hope you don't have an Emily! Jordan was so mellow and such an easy baby....Emily is another story and I hope you don't have an Emily especially with all of the stuff you have to do! Our pregnancies and other nuances have been just to much a like though! I will say a prayer and cross my fingers.
Just tell yourself when you are stressed, at least he is so Cute! Ha,ha.
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