There once was a baby who slept in a crib.
One day a new baby came into the house and it was time for the baby to become a big boy. So the parents went out and bought him a "big boy bed".

They decorated the "big boy bed" with safari animals from all over the world and he even had his own pillow. Now even though the baby was becoming a big boy he still wanted to keep his blankets and pacifier to sleep with and that was ok with the parents.
The big boy liked his "big boy bed" but wasn't sure if he wanted to sleep in it at first.
After he slept on the floor once or twice the big boy decided his new bed wasn't that bad.
The parents are proud of this new big boy and look forward to the next adventure of growing up in "big boy" world.
I like the Adventures of the big boy.
what a cool looking bed!
Great story...wonderful pictures...
...wish I could tarry longer, but Jim is making me work.
You amaze on how quick you get that boy to do things! Emily finally got a real big girl bed a month ago and is finally sleeping in her own room. We had the Elmo couch bed next to ours - or she slept with us a lot too! NO MORE! Whew!
Love the pictures! How do you find the time for this stuff?
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