Ean has learned to feed himself and he is getting pretty good at it. Besides the social skills that is one good thing about daycare, they teach him to be self sufficient, he would not have learned this this fast if he was at home.
Click here to watch the video.In case you can't pull it up here are some pictures.

BTW- He is saying "light" when he is pointing to the camera and then he does say "hi" when prompted.
The video is great. Thanks for posting it. Boy Ean is growing up so fast.
cool video!
WELL, that was strange...
I looked at the photos and of course I thought Ean was so cute...and I was all happy and proud...
...but when I watched the video I started missing him and Ben like crazy and felt like I am missing out on so much...and then I became sad.
Strange how the video prompted such a different emotional response than the photos?
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