This his newest thing. If you are telling him something he doesn't want to hear he covers his ears. That is, if he acts like he hears you at all. Which is how it is most of the time. I am a very consistent parent with not too many "no's" and "don't do that's" but yet everyday I am tested with the turning on and off the TV and trying to steal the remotes and flushing of all the toilets in the house along with a million other little mischevious things he will look for to do. Then there is the fit throwing, like he is SHOCKED at being told no or heaven forbid being sent to "sit on the stairs" aka time out.
19 months ago tomorrow I had this sweet calm little boy that only got upset when he was hungry and never was that much of a problem. This little hellion I bring home from day care everyday was once a wonderful loving cuddling baby that never got into anything he wasn't supposed to, never had colic or any other problem and started sleeping through the night in his own bed at a very early age.
I think the "terrible twos" are very underated and should be more explained. For one thing, I think it should be renamed the "terrible 1 1/2 - 3's" and you should get a pamphlet at the child's one year doctor appointment explaining that you are not raising satan's child it is simply a phase that lasts a LONG time and not to think this is how your child is going to be forever. I am very conscience about how I want my kids to be in the world. I have seen enough brats that don't listen to their parents and enough parents that don't have ANY control over their young children to know that I will not have kids like that.
I can't help but think that I am doing something wrong that Ean is being this way and it isn't until my daycare lady tells me they all go through it and I just have to stay consistent and it will pass that I feel better.
Of course every night when my darling little angel grabs his blankets and pacifier and his stuffed cow he sleeps with and reaches up to me to hug and kiss me goodnight, my heart melts and all of the bad things and grief he has caused me during the whole evening just goes away (for that minute at least) and I realize how great it is to be a mom, and how wonderful it will be to see him get married and have kids of his own and be a great husband and father.
I guess it will be then, when I am laying in bed fondly remembering how he would take my phone and run as fast as he could before I noticed and had to chase him down to get it and when I did he would throw himself on the ground and scream like I hurt him, that I will want my little hellion back.

Then again how could I ever say this little sweet boy is a hellion?
thanks for this post! It made me smile and tear up and know what I have to look forward too!
Oh I loved your post. I hope everyone is well.
I hate to gloat but Ha,ha,ha-hee-hee hee! Welcome to my world!! Sorry you have to deal with it too! (sort of) maybe you will appreciate your big sis as EAN is still so easy in comparison to my little monster!! Ha! Lucky they are both so darn cute!
Thanks for the cute post and the laugh, I needed it. Emily has worn me out today!!
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