Ben's schedule has changed this last week and he has been eating every two hours around the clock, so Jim and I are VERY tired. He has also decided he would much rather be held and when he is not being held he is not very happy. He doesn't mind his swing so that allows me to get some work done during the day at the office. I have to make good use of the time that he is in his swing because there is a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.
Speaking of which SOMEONE is calling, I will try to post more this weekend since we have internet at home now. YEAH!
He is a cutie, I'm sorry you aren't getting as much rest and that you have lots of work to do and little time to do it. I hope this schedule stage doesn't last too long. Thank GOD for swings.
...ditto what Lisa said..and soon,
Thank God for "Baby Einstein"...lol
wow he will be three weeks already??? WOW
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