Today I looked at our blog and noticed that I haven't updated since Wednesday and thought I had better say something.
We have been pretty busy packing. Jim rented a storage so we can take the stuff that we don't use everyday to it and then move it to the new house after we get settled, that way our garage in the new house doesn't look like this one does.

I have been packing up my 50 cookie jars which each of course have to be individualy wrapped and placed a few in a box, so that seems like all I have even done. Jim has been cleaning out the rafters and cleaning everything off (because of the roof being torn off everything is dirty).
Ean has been sick on and off since last Sunday ( a head cold) and I got it on Thursday. My assistant called in sick on Thursday and then was otherwise detained ( email for details if you care) on Friday so I had to work Thursday but on Friday I had to stay home since I couldn't even function. Ean is totally better but I am still raspy and snotty and Jim feels like he may be getting it now.
We signed our loan documents on Thursday so that means we will probably close on our house Wednesday or Thursday. The people just got back from North Carolina on Friday, they were looking for a place to move to and they are scheduled to move the 13th of the month. The military is moving them, so they said they were going to see if they could move it up, but I am not counting on it.
I am due on the 26th but have really been feeling contactions the last few weeks so.... we will see, we HOPE we can get into our new house and get settled before the baby comes. If we don't I am going to be a wreck. Lack of sleep and no time to myself really takes a toll on me, coupled with the fact that I HATE, I repeat I HATE to ask for help (even from my husband) so if the baby comes early and all of that comes at once I think I just might need some medication to stay sane.

Oh- Well my free time alarm clock is going off ( and his name is Ean) so I guess I had better wrap up. I will be trying to update more but always know I am thinking about each of you all the time.
what a cute belly! I hoped Lucas wouldn't come early because of Curt's back and I got my wish... lol!
Thanks for the update. Hope your cold goes away. I understand about you not posting. I know you are going to be very very very busy in the next coming months.
Lindsay you are freakin' incredible! I wine about my back and take it easy. You've got a baby inside of you fakin' you out all the time and moving to a new house at the same time taking care of the all the boys. Good grief. Your incredible.
I am sooo praying you won't overdo it (Miss Independent Lindsay since birth...) and get your strength drained before little 'what's his name' makes his appearance!
I am worn out, don't know what end is way behind on where I thought we would be...have barely packed 'jack' and the Movers are coming Tuesday! The new house isn't ready for occupancy...
...and everyone is moving as fast as they can. Then, when there is any interruption at all...everything is out of kilter.
I can NOT IMAGINE how difficult it would be to be almost ready to give birth...during the long, hot summer, work all day and then have a year and a half old baby needing my time until bed time, and pack to move instead of sleep at all.
As Joey said, 'You are freakin' incredible...', but as yo Mama...I want you to back away from the boxes and get some rest! That cold is not a good thing it is sapping even more of your energy.
PLEASE...and I mean PLEASE...TRY to take some good REST TIME every single DAY from NOW ON.
I don't give a rip whose nose get's outta joint at work or anywhere else if they don't get 'your best' effort right now.
I am thinking I better get down there about the 20th and kick your butt outta the office at least. Only problem would probably work harder getting your new home on order!
O VEY! At times like these... it just SUCKS to be so far away...and in the middle of my own alligator swamp as well.
This one time, please listen to your Mama, OK?
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