Is it possible that he is a senior? When I first came into the picture he was just an 11 year old sixth grader. The pictures are very good, I have included the best three for you to see. We will be getting a big package and you will be getting one of your own to keep.
Along with Senior pictures is the yearbook, the college applications, college grants and scholarships, SAT's etc. to think about. We are very proud of Tom because he has done it right and only has four classes this year so his school hours are less than normal. He has his job at McDonalds andhas been keeping good grades. It is pretty weird still to see him driving, but it sure is nice when we want ice cream at night and neither Jim or I want to go out to get it.
Tom is a really good kid and he doesn't get enough credit for that. I can't believe at this time next year he will be gone, it will be really strange to not have "school age" kids in the house for a few years, that will be something to get used to.
Hope you like the pictures as they turned out REALLY GOOD and I am glad to share them.

oh no... i do not like picures of close up of me on the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahhahahaha lol
Good lookin' guy.
wow! tom is still tommy to me... or Tom the bomb like he was called when he was little. I remember that his Dad could hold him up in the air by trying to pull the shirt off of his head when he was little. Or all the naps he took when he came to visit his GA family. HA HA
Thanks for posting the Great pictures of Tom. I wish him only the best with these next steps in life.
Hey my naps in georgia were only 2 years ago and it is was funny because all of us would be sleaping me and aun val on the couchs and uncle dan in the office in his chair hahaha
I really like the pictures of Tom, and he is a really good person. I have to credit you Lindsay, (and I have shared this with Tom too so I know he won't disagree...) that a lot of his success in getting better grades and being active in because of you.
He hated it when you made him do his homework. He hated it worse when you made him re-do sloppy work. He hated it that he had to improve his penmanship and spelling.
(I think he still hates spelling correctly as evidenced on his blog where Joey called him on it)
...I think with your consistent brow beating, making him re-do homework correctly, and then dealing with his huffing a tiff those earlier years...gave him the foundational skills he needed in order to go on and become a successful student, and college material.
When kids are small, they seem to think that when parents make them do their homework, and do it correctly, the parents are getting something out of it.
The truth is, making a kid do their homework is a royal pain in the butt, takes a lot of time and a lot of caring by that parent, when really, anyone would RATHER use those precious moments off work for having a little bit of fun or relaxation themselves.
Kids don't know what a sacrifice it is for a parent to take the time to check homework...brow beat them into doing it right...checking it again, all to deal with the lousy 'attitudes' they get in return over it.
It's a thankless job...and if you are waiting to get a 'thanks' from any kid...join the club as I am still waiting.
I've never been properly 'thanked' for MS SHADRICKS WEEKLY PROGRESS REPORT myself, much less for the brow-beating your brothers and sister got for not doing their homework...or for missing classes.
Even more that you showed that commitment and caring to a new step-son only ten or so years younger than you. One who saw you more like a sibling or encroacher into his territory, than a caring parent.
He probably thought you were just trying to make his life miserable at the time...but who can argue 'RESULTS'. Good input...good results...poor input...poor results.
Congratulations to Tom, and to the good woman behind this man since he was 11 years old...a MOM in action and deeds, rather than just in words.
Nice photos of Tom! I can see some Ean in him! Or is it some Tom in Ean? We are proud of Tommy and look forward to him coming to Oregon to go to college! (if that is still his direction!) Great Job!
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