First let me say: MOM I am getting my nails done soon, they all came off during the San Diego trip, so don't fret!
OK- Well where should I start?
Ever heard someone say that it almost isn't worth going on a trip because of the mess you have to come back to, after being gone. That is how I have felt the past three days.
When we leave for a trip, we try to use up the last of anything that might go bad. SO- we didn't have any milk, bread, fruit, veggies etc. in the house when we got home Saturday. To top it off we had told Tom to clean out the fridge and pantry before he left and he did, so we were REALLY cleaned out. I must have a little bit of my 94 year old Aunt Faye in me because now when I go to our "empty" fridge and pantry I am almost panicked. Eventhough I know the things that were thrown out were old and probably would have never been touched, at least they we there.
Anyway, when we got home Saturday after almost a 6 hour drive we had to go out and get the necessties and dinner. I was the "lucky" one, so I went to the liquor store right around the corner and got ONLY milk and then got pizza. I had full intentions on going to the store on Sunday but of course I didn't. Somehow Sunday came and went without me even realizing, I think it was becasue of the heat and Jim not feeling well and having a brat named Ean to corral around, who by the way has been very testy since we got back. At any rate Monday morning came on quick and still no unpacking had happened and no shopping had been done.
I tell you all of that to tell my story. So, since Jim had slept most of the day Sunday and had gone to bed early he was up and ready to go by 7am Monday morning. BTW- for all of you that don't know, by nature, I am a sleeper so most of the time in my world 7am doesn't exist. But, yesterday it was OK because I was ready to get to work and try to get things accomplished. The day went by pretty regular, not too swamped but steady. By about 3:30pm I started to get overwhelmed. Since Sarah leaves a 4pm I was stuck to answer phones, answer emails, do my work AND finish the paperwork that I had to have a client sign BEFORE they went out of town TODAY and get Ean by 6pm. Since I hadn't talked to my mom in weeks, we were talking too WHILE I was trying to do all of this.
At 5:30, after Jim had called twice "with attitude" (which he later apologized for) making sure I was going to get Ean and wondering where I was, I told my mom I had to go and rushed to my clients house PRAYING they wouldn't have any questions to have them sign their papers. I kept my car running and went tooling up to the front door. Their house is the kind that you have to walk up the driveway to get to the front door (unless you are a grass walker, which I am not), so I am halfway up the driveway when my foot caught the break in the cement and took me down flat on my front.
I guess my knee hit first then my finger jammed into the cement and my elbow scraped the ground. I layed there for a moment accessing my situation and making sure I was ok, then PRAYING that my clients didn't see me from their front window. I do not like to be ooohhhed and aaawwwedd over. I slowly got up and collected the papers that had flown six feet away and slowly hobbled to the door. I was really shook up from the fall but didn't say a word about it and got the papers signed and left.
I got back in the car realizing I was going to be late to get Ean, something that is VERY frowned on by daycare AND JIM. I called Jim and didn't tell him at first that I had fallen, but let him know I was going to be late for Ean and that I would see him in a few minutes. The rest of the night and even today I am still a little shocked.
My knee is really bugging me, but only because of the scrape and my finger is annoying, but I know I am ok. It is very normal to fall when you are as pregnant as I am, so it is not something to be worried about but it bugs me because I never fell when I was pregnant with Ean and the pain of the minor injuries are frustrating and annoying.
So that is my story, hope you enjoyed. I am off to get Jim and Ean to go grocery shopping, YEAH! I hope I won't have to post anymore scrapes and bruises for a while.
Hope you have fun at the grocery store. I feel too when I was pretty far along with Shane and scraped up my knee. I think I still had a small scab when I went to deliver him. That knee and the embarassment I had falling I still remember. (I was at a gas station with Ted and I spilled a 64 ounce Power Aide)I'm glad you weren't serously injured. I hope your little toddler settles down for you, and lets you rest.
YIKES! Lucky I wasn't there as I would have been worried sick about the fall...and 'made over you' like you hate.
It's terrible to need a day off after a vacation...but it sounds like that is exactly what you need.
A real day off...'doing nothing'.
Fit it in...OK? Mom
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