Ok- so this week has been nuts...

The nanny thing is winding down. We have pulled the ad out. I have taken over 40 calls, interviewed about 16 people in person and now we are down to two possibles and doing second interviews. The second interview is more just a time for them to come over and play and interact with the boys with our supervision.
Last night one of them came over, her name is Alice and she reminds me so much of my friend Laura. She has a lot of experience and the only thing going against her is the fact that she is going to school and will be done in 1 1/2 years, after which she will move on to teaching kindergarten. I was wanting to find someone that didn't have plans to leave and wanted to make nannying her carreer, but Alice did great last night. We are looking for the perfect balance of personality, experience, cleaning skills, love for kids, and love for the outdoors. The girl that is coming tomorrow, Lisa, seems really good too, my concern with her is her true love for the outdoors and some medical issues.
I am really picky and if they just rub me the wrong way no matter how good she is, they're out.
Ok-explaining the "a good boy" thing. Last night Jim and Ean were playing and all of a sudden Jim did something and Ean said "BAD BOY". I DO NOT like that and I immediately called Julie (the daycare lady) to see if she has heard the girls (her helpers) or the other kids say that, because I know Jim and I don't. She was shocked too and said she would never allow that and suggested that because we say he is a "good boy" or that he "was good" he might have connected that to the opposite (bad) and put it together. Just as I was about to argue with her that my kid was not THAT SMART, Jim asked him who taught him that and he said "Ronin". Ronin is a kid that used to go to the daycare but quit over 8 months ago, in fact, Ben took his spot when he left. Julie was amazed, as was I, that Ean would remember a kid that he hadn't seen or even heard the name in over 8 months. SOOOOOOO, maybe he did connect the the good and bad boy. Now we are saying he "did good", instead of he "was good". OH the details!!!
Since the boys (all three) are taking naps I am going to try and watch some TV, in peace and quiet. That might not make sense to you, but with a two year whose vocabulary is growing by the mili-second there is very little quiet. And, I know it is only going to get worse.
Also, I have been wanting to make another picture show but I am out of ideas. So any suggestions.
By the way, Kari, Ean wants Lucas to know he misses him. He was feeding him Dorritos.
Those pictures were all great (I thought that even before I saw Ean feeding Lucas!!)
Ean is such a smart kid and super sweet. At first I didn't realize who it was in the picture and before I finished your post I was thinking "who is Ean trying to feed" LOL!
Hope all the interviewing and nanny stuff is coming along. I enjoyed all of your posts from when I was gone.
Forget the Nannies! Just ship my buddies up here to their
auntie and I will baby sit them! I miss my buddies so much! Moore pictures please! Love the videos too! You are so talented! You are also so creative in finding new exciting things to do with Ean and Ben! Wish I didn't have such a blurry or fuzzy brain lately!
Love you
Your big Sis
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