Anytimg I throw a party or have people over I alsways try to outdo myself. I usually think up really cool ideas at the last minute and end up forgetting something important. This year I did try to outdo myself but I really tried not to add anything on at the last minute and resolved that if something I had planned for didn't happen I would do something else.
So for a month I have researched and planned this "two year old's" party down to every detail. I had games to play, favors to give, food to make and a house to clean. Thanks to Jim who did most of the cleaning part. I am solely responsible however to the creative aspects of any party because if it were up to Jim we would order pizza and buy a cake from Costco.
I had decided this year that the theme would be dogs. Ean is obbsessed with dogs and I knew he would get a kick out of the decorations I found at . I also decided I would not buy a cake this year I would make one, so it could fit the theme. I did not want to buy the little favor boxes they offered on the site so I also made my own. Usually I make the food when people come over instead of purchasing it, since platters and trays can be so expensive.
This is where my mom comes in. Anytime we have a dinner or a get-together I am worried that we will not have enough food. I think that comes from our family dinners where we always had days and days of leftover's because we made so much food. Soooo, I think I had about ten to twelve "appetizers" on my little menu to make. I did scratch some at the last minute when we couldn't fit anymore on the table.
So here is how it went, the weekend before the party I began planning for the food and favors. I went shopping for everything I thought I would need since I wanted to start preparation during the week and knew I wouldn't have time to shop during the week. I got all of the groceries except what wouldn't last for the week and got the stuff for the gift bags. Also, last weekend I made the little favors which were doggy lollipops made of milk and white chocolate. I bought the form and melted the chocolate and everything. I also wrote out all of the menu and activities that would happen.
During the week I just kept reviewing my plans and making sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I also made the sugar cookie dough one morning while Ean was eating breakfast since it has to cool beofre cutting anyway. On saturday I baked all day. I made Ean's cake which was a dog bone and took 5 cakes. So the logistics were frightening. Then I also made dog bone shaped sugar cookies and dipped them in chocolate for more favors. I made and rolled the tortilla appetizers and and boiled the eggs for deviled eggs and egg salad sandwiches. I had to do some adjustments to the favor bags for more kids coming and started to get my decor. organized.
Saturday I thought of a cool idea to print a bunch of pictures of Ean form last year to now and put them on a poster board so everyone could look at it during the party. Like a collage type thing. Of course I don't hardly every print pictures so when I went through to find the pictures there was about a million to print and when I tried to send to Walgreens to have them printed Walgreens system couldn't find them on my computer so since it was midnight and I had given my best effort to this last minute idea I scratched it and moved on. However, it will be top on my list next year! Since everyone was sleeping I decorated the living room and put the little dog stickers on the wall. The banner had to wait until the morning since I needed Jim's help.

Sunday came and in the morning I picked up the balloons I had blown up. I got a few last minute decor. things and as soon as Ean went down for his nap we started our final prep. Jim did most of the food prep. , and I finished the decorations by placing the balloons and streamers around and getting the keepsake table cloth put on the table with the presents from us. I got the games that we were going to play together and set everything up. My dad and Shaunah got there early to help us THANK GOD! and between us all, we made it before people started coming.
The party went great. One of the games we played was the one where you put a piece of paper to each guest's back and they have to guess who or what they are, you usually will be famous people but we did the words Ean could say. So one person was a Hamburger and another person was a bike and another person was a dog bowl etc. That went over pretty good and it got people talking to eachother. We also did the guess how many jelly beans are in a jar, I fit it to the theme by doing brown (root beer) jelly beans and calling them "Doggy Chow".
Ean was pretty good, he didn't have anyone his own age come but he enjoyed playing with the older kids anyway. He got a little overwhelmed at the end but all in all the day went well.
I took a lot of picture so I am attaching a hyperlink to view all of them at my Kodak Gallery
More than just the 'tons of food' sounds like your Mom..historically...before you were born.
I used to do the most extraordinary things for David and Wendy for holidays and events and Birthdays...when they were very small (especially for David, the first...).
By the time they were old enough to REALLY enjoy those superhuman efforts...I was getting pretty 'burnt out' on it.
By the time you came along (I am sooooo sorry...) it was buy the cake at Costco, and invite the whole family for a feast!
Maybe that is why having the extra theme stuff and tending to every detail is important to you...since you suffered 'Birthday neglect' from YOUR MOTHER!!!
It's like 'Baby Books'...David's was really fat and complete..Wendy's was a little less...and yours looked like you were an Orphan. I don't know why that happens, but it does.
When you went to kindergarten, your step Mom Shauna was right in there as a room mother..baking cookies...and all that stuff, and I was greatful no one was "asking me to help"...I was baked out and room mothered out by then.
Lucky you have Ben probably won't care that you have a MILLION pictures of EAN from the day he was born and everyday thereafter practically, and BEN maybe only three or four times a week.
A 3rd and 4th kid usually gets their pictures taken only at special events...sadly. I don't know why I am rambling...but just wanted to apologize that the order of your birth caused you to get
"hind tit" on a lot of things.
GIRLS find those things lot's more important than boys I should have saved the 'supermom' stuff for my girls.
Hindsight is always 20/20..I'm afraid.
Just tried to check out the pictures and couldn't pull up the I called you whining, but no one is home.
Thanks for all the details. Your party sounds awesome. I love having extra food to eat. Too bad I wasn't there. I would have helped eat it all! After I saw your picture from the post below I realized we didn't get out Colby's sheet to sign. I need to remember these things.
I love the dog theme (did i tell you that already in the other post!) and the cake was the greatest! I might totally rip it off from you because of Jadie everything wieh Lucas (from the first outfit we brought him home in and the blanket he was wrapped in) has been dogs. Thank goodness he likes Jadie :) Thanks for sharing all of the details! Sounds really cool (of course I know at 1 he won't be able to play games like those.)
i can see the pictures now! It's cool to see your house! Looks like a fun party
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