Well about 2pm yesterday Jim got his normal call from Greg or so he thought...
As soon as the collect call came in while the normal gibberish was talking, "this is a collect call from an inmate blah blah blah... he could hear Greg saying "I am coming home, I am coming home, I am coming home!"
He was realeased early because they needed the space. He came home and has just been getting settled.
He showed me all the mail he got and I have to thank you all for sending him mail even if it was a short note.
He will be going to an inpatient program for 90 days at the end of the month and then will probably be moving out of this area.
Thanks again for everything and if you want to continue to send him things you can send them to our house. Once he gets into the program he can't send or receive mail for 30 days.
More to come...

That is awesome for Greg. I hope the very best for him for treatment program. We sure will be writing him. We've all been thinking anad praying for Greg lots. Plus we hope that the trip home and getting settled back into routines with the rest of the Moore guys and one girl are going well.
Great to see all 4 Moore Boys together!
Greg looks great, and though the preparing for the Christmas holiday found me not even sending out our Christmas Cards, or even bills for that matter...maybe I can jot a few lines for Greg now.
I wish him 'every good thing' and for a new and good start in his life. Lot's of love and prayers are coming his way for him to 'stay the course' this time for real.
Hugs from Gramma Palmer
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