Now 2005
Our anniversary was on Friday and one thing is for sure, we are both eating good. LOL!
I had a meeting in Burbank already planned so Jim went with me and we made the most of it. We dropped the kids at daycare at 6am (the earliest she will open) and headed down south. My stepmom picked them up later and they stayed there for the night. It only took 2 hours and 45 minutes to get there, so that was great. We went to my meeting and skipped out early to go see a taping of Joey which started at 4pm. The tickets were free and they said to be there 90 minutes early.
It was real interesting, the set was neat and it was really fun to watch them mess up their lines and adlib. We expected it to take 2-4 hours since that is what they told us but when 8:30pm rolled around we left early. There was someone that played to the audience (about 300 people) They also served pizza and water which was also free. It is always exciting going to LA because the people there are a breed of their own. Jim had the privilige of sitting by one of them, she was about 50 and acted AND DRESSED like she was a 20 something. Besides that she was obnoxious, we were telling the guy that it was our anniversary (trying to get more stuff) and she interrupted by standing up between us and him and talking about how long she had been married and that her friend with her is going through a divorce. She had already obnoxiously gotten tons of things and was being greedy. Besides that it was fun, a one time experience because of the hassles but fun anyway (and free). Oh also they didn't allow any cell phones, cameras or electronic device at all so no cool pics. And for anyone that knows me and Jim we were without our phones for 6 hours, I almost went into shock. HA!
After that we had made reservations at this hotel not far form the studios so we headed there. Both of our best friends live in LA so we had made arangements to meet them for dinner. Only Greg Jim's best friend was able to make it so we ate with him and had a wonderful time. Since we don't get to see our friend's very often it was great to see him.
The hotel was a pretty expensive hotel but elegant and they kept having problems with the fire alarm, like it kept going off, problems so that sucked, but in the morning we got more than 25% of our bill credited AND it didn't wake us up at all so that was ok.
We ate breakfast and headed home Saturday since we missed the kids and I fiugured my dad and Shaunah would be pulling their hair out soon. All in all it was a nice time, just being by ourselves was refeshing and being able to talk was great.
Below is a picture of Jim carefully trying to fix the fire alarm in our room.
Ahhh I'm soooo jealous a night away from the kids and a Taping of Joey. How cool is that? I am glad you guys got a night out. What did the guy play to the audience and what kinds of stuff was that obnoxious lady getting?
Happy Anniversary Jimathon and Lindsay! Maybe the fire alarm went off cause you guys got a little too "hot" in the bedroom if you know what I mean (nudging your shoulder and raising my eyebrows like a creep).
Sounds like your brother has 'something' on his mind huh Lindsay? He's waited three years to have something 'hot' in the bedroom...and only 26 days til 'he' sets off the alarms wherever he is staying for his wedding night in Boise. lol
Happy Anniversary to you and Jim, (and many more to come) and just LOOK at TOM, COOPER and JORDAN in that picture! Wow! THINGS HAVE CHANGED!
Glad you had a few minutes to yourselves...and a good time!
Please Check out the LONG STORY I wrote about JIM on my Blog...I think you will find it pretty interesting and fun, but bring some popcorn as it is a novel!
Please let me know what you think?
I would like to read the "Long Story" about little brother Jim but I can't find it.
Anonymous - If Lindsay hasn't already sent it, just click on my name above your request "Linda's world today" and it will take you to my Blog where the story is.
Scroll down to the 'About our Oldest Son, Jim" and bring some popcorn...it's a long one.
PS - Which Brother are you?
Thanks Linda,
I have tried that several times. I end up at Toledo Workdogs Always, Make it Happen. I have searched there with no luck.
I am Kari's dad. Jim's FAVORITE brother.
Uncle Danny,
you go to http://lindapalmer.blogspot.com/
Tom to the rescue once again! THANKS TOM!
Sorry, Danny...I have two Blogs, one for 'family' and one for 'local political butt whuppin'...you don't even want to know how much of a 'junk yard dog' I can be in that arena.
Soon there will be a NEW BLOG for Welcome Home and The Money Source...just so I can earn my keep.
THAT ONE will be good reading for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge of Real Estate and Lending.
Let me know Jim's 'FAVORITE BROTHER'S" thoughts are on what I wrote!? Please.
Broom Hilda
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