Our dentist has been after us to buy motorized tooth brushes for about a year now so instead of spending $100.00 right away, I bought us cheapy ones just to make sure, mainly, Jim and Ean would use them. I took some pictures of Ean using his tonight and took some video too. (click here)

I hope you like the videos because I do them for you.
Everything has been going pretty good. My friend Dawn is expecting a baby any day (she is scheduled for C-section on Tuesday) so she has been wanting to watch Ben a lot during the days so it has freed up some time for me to get actual work done.
Jim has been running around getting everything buttoned up on the Sunnyside house since we have a renter now and doing his real estate and trying to work on the Tulare house as much as he can AND be at the office to watch Ben when I have appointments and Dawn isn't watching him so I have to give him a pat on the back for doing it all.
I read Kari's blog everyday, she has a 3 month old and she posts her feelings and trials and tribulations and I could almost mirror her 99% of the time. I don't give Jim enough credit and he is always the first one to pay if I am stressed or tired or frustrated and most of the time when I lash out he takes it pretty well. Thank you babe!!
Ben has been much better lately. It helps me that he is starting to look around and smile at me and even coo a little because it is like he is (this is a terrible way to say it) more like a human than just a blob. I am able to have more patience AND I am getting to know if he is crying what three or four things it might be. He is also starting to really like his swing, thank goodness. He hates being in the car, I think one thing is that he feels isolated and another I know is because he is not being held, but other than that he is pretty patient AND he is only getting up a couple times a night, which to you people with older kids or no kids sounds terrible but to us young parents is like heaven. You easily forget what a blessing it is to get 3-4 hours straight sleep.
I am getting excited for our Christmas trip, I will tell more later, we will be gone for almost 2 weeks. I am already thinking about how I am going to BLOG during our trip since we will be on the road without a computer.
Here is also a picture of Ean "holding" Ben, he thinks he is holding him and seems to really love his little brother. I am sure that is going to change as soon as Ben can and does take Ean's toys. They were both fresh out of the shower and ready for bed (hence the pacifier for Ean).

1 comment:
Can't wait to hear about your trip. I love seeing Ean's blankie, I hadn't caught the blankie in a picture for awhile. Boy Jim does sound like he helps out alot. He sounds busy, as do you. I bet Kari feels good that her blog mirrors your feelings. I think when I talk to her I say the wrong things since I never read any of those parenting books or know what is going on around me (LOL). Ben and Ean are growing up so fast and as cute as ever.
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