Ben's first trip to work, doing his job- snoozing quietly in the car seat.

First bath- this is the ONE shot that Jim took that I can publish- what can I say, a proud dad wants to show off his son's manhood.

This was in the hospital- the first time Ean met his new brother. WOW- how they grow!

Daddy and Ben taking a break.
This is my mom with her newest Grandbaby- it is very seldom we get him with his eyes open, this a cute picture.
Emily loved the picture of her grammie with the baby she started yelling... Hey, that's my grammie!!! "I tell my grammie I got a new horse". Mommy I want to see Ean again! "I miss my grammie", Mommy where is my gammie".
Little ones are tooo cute! I am debating on what to do with my children when I have surgery. They both want to come down there...I don't know about Jordan missing a full week of school...we are trying to work out some options.
Love to you all,
What great pictures! They were worth the wait!
All the pictures are so good. Thanks for posting them so quick. I know you guys are so busy. Ean and Benjamin look very happy and loved.
Well, I'll give an eyewitness report...the whole family is doing great. I sometimes wonder why I thought my daughter would 'need me' as she is very efficient and pretty laid back through it all.
Jim is right in there and they both rise early and start doing things...this continues all day at a steady pace and then about 10:00 pm, they are both 'done' and it is time for bed.
I've never stayed with them 'in their home' before so the experience is really new for me...but also very pleasant.
Ean is just a bundle of energy, but when he winds himself down (after running for several hours after everyone gets home) he is ready for his 'shower with Dad' and then bed.
I see in Jim and Lindsay very loving and caring parents, and more important, very loving and caring about each other.
I think it is about time for Mom to go home to the ranch and the events and life there...and to head out with the knowledge that all is well here in Visalia...is just an added 'treat'. Ean is just starting to talk some now but love to play 'growl' and 'wrestle' with Dad.
I brought him a stick horse that makes noise and a cowboy hat...but he wants no part of that horse...and his Dad wears the hat more than he does. I got it for him because Emily, now two and a half and very talkative...adores her horse and cowboy hat but it seems to scare Ean so far. lol
Besides, I am missing Jordan and my little cowgirl Emily, who I get to see on a regular basis back in Oregon, so let Emily know that Grammie is heading to the barn soon.
I am so blessed with such resourceful and great kids myself, I am hoping that my kids are as lucky as I have been with the way they have ALL turned out.
OF COURSE, little Ben is precious too...and holding him is so good for the soul...I'll miss him a lot.
Fortunately, ALL FOUR of my kids will be home for Christmas, with grandkids in tow...so I have that to look forward to...or it would be a lot harder leaving this time.
Lindsay (the baby girl) has become quite an amazing woman and I am very proud of her...and very grateful for the new grandson she has blessed me with.
God Bless All...Mom
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