Saturday all of us got up early and Jim watched the boys before he went to work on the house so I could take a shower and get ready. I got the boys both dressed and headed to the park with bread.
Ean is at the age where he gets spooked about certain things so I wasn't real sure how he would like the ducks up close but he loved it. He ran after them and threw bread to them and did not want to leave. Stupid me left the camera in the car so these pictures were taken with my cell phone.
I put Ben in the front pack on my chest and he slept the whole time so he was happy, it was hard to move around and keep up with Ean but it was nice to have him right there and snuggly. We also ate lunch on the tables (Arby's) and played on te equipment as you see above.
I can't believe how much Ean has changed in the last 6 months. The last time we were at the park was at his first birthfday and he was way too scared to go down the slide and didn't really like the swing that much. This time he was doing both and loving it.
I have more pictures of the rest of our weekend and will get them posted soon, I am buying an adapter for my digital camera so that I can download picture anywhere instead of having to bring my cord back and forth from home.
Those pictures are good for being from a cell phone. That adapter sounds cool.
EAN would look adorable if you drew his picture with a crayon...
...but I understand the adaptor problem, since we lost one of ours (in a box somewhere) so have to give it back and forth to each other depending on who is taking pictures.
Kind of a pain, I know. Glad you had a good time with your 'boys'.
wow now i really want a camera phone to catch those moments i miss when I don't have my camera with me! Great pictures. Maybe Ean can teach Greg and Tom how to feed birds without screaming like little girls! :)
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