I just got up and thought I would post first thing.
BTW- Someone should tell babies and toddlers that it is OK to sleep in on weekends.
Anyway, we are SUPPOSED to do some more packing and Jim is going to clean out the garage so we have a place to put boxes and empty out the rafters. BUT- he is scheduled to fly at 11am and is doing a "cross country" which is really a cross a couple counties so, he will be gone for a few hours. AND my best friend called last night who lives in LA and she is here to visit this weekend along with another friend who is stationed in Japan and here for some family leave. SO we will see how much gets done this weekend. In any case I am bound and determined to take some pictures at least.
We have started packing and cleaning, I have packed some things of Ean's and we threw away some old papers but we haven't even made a dent in what NEEDS to be done. Tom has practically got all of his stuff done, he has totally cleaned out his closet and thrown away a couple of garbage bags full of stuff.
Jim went flying the other night so Ean and I went out and took some pictures of him coming in, I missed him landing but we are going to go out together this next week so I can get some "action" shots of landing and taking off. Also, we got Wendy's frosties last night so there are a couple pics of Ean and I eating it.
The people that we are buying the house from went to North Carolina to look for a house to move to yesterday and will be gone until next Friday, so we are going to be able to take a few people over for tours that haven't seen it yet. We finished getting our furniture, a mattress, kitchen table and a double recliner. We also are getting a new washer and dryer. http://www.maytagneptune.com/FrontLoadDemo/index.html
Other than a couple of little other things we are done with buying furniture. Everything else like pictures, sheets, decorations we will get once we move in.

Those are the exciting happenings in Mooresville!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and hopefully I will be able to report some progress on the house.

the first picture of Jim almost looks like my Dad... for a second there I was wondering if he was in Cali!
Betcha ya didn't get any WORK done today...
...you can tell by the way the day starts...ha ha.
Hope you all had a great weekend. If it makes you feel any better. We got no work done. Ted has to redo the drywall as well. (It was done wrong) Rather do it right then regret it later.
I love the pictures of you and that little guy!
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