I have to brag on my husband for a minute. Not many people I know can spend 24 hours a day with their spouse and still get along. Even though we are together most of the time, when we are apart I miss him. The last trip I took without him, I realized more than ever why I need him so much.
He is my "rock". As corny as it sounds, he is like my voice of reason and honesty even when I don't really want it. When I think I am off base about something or maybe I am being unreasonable he will tell me honestly what he thinks. We tell each other everything, sometimes maybe too much.
Sometimes when I see him across a room I still get excited. I feel like I am so lucky to have found someone so perfect for me. He is all of the things I dreamt of when I was growing up.
All of this renewed love and infatuation probably comes from seeing him be so good at the real estate business. I have a whole new respect for him, seeing him use his true talents. It is amazing to me how much people trust him and love him instantly. There are very few people in the world that have that "something" he does.
After 5 years and a lot of in sickness and health, richer or poorer, I love him more than ever.
Anyway, now that you are puking and his head is as big as a balloon I will wrap up. I just have to say that no matter what "things" we have now, I remember when we could barely pay our mortgage but we were happy, and that is because he had each other.
I wasn't puking, this was very nice.
Well, my little lotus blossom...your man used to be a 'giver', and now he is a 'keeper', so you can't get much better than that.
Ummm, I hate to mention this, and I probably shouldn't mention this...but then again, I have to mention this.
Parent's always want the best for their children in life. A good career, a family, and a good spouse who loves them a lot.
When Jim got that 'reversal' so you could have some babies, I KNEW his love for you was VERY DEEP! He knows exactly what it is like raising another family...and I know that in the beginning, that is not what he had in mind.
I also loved it that he wanted to be the provider for his family, and did what he had to do so that you could have the life you wanted.
You're deep love was evident when he was so sick and needed you more than ever to go through the treatment with him with support, encouragement and sometimes hitting him up side the head. I don't think he would have done it without you.
Then, none of us would be where we are today.
I saw what Jim had to offer you and himself on the way to a good and happy life...but it took awhile for Jim to see it...and I think it helped when Mama got out of the way (way out of the way) so he could take the reins and run with them.
Yes, you got a 'keeper' when your MOTHER suggested a lunch between you two...and 'each other' was just what the Doctor ordered.
It was really nice to read your thoughts after this many years of being together and then, married.
'Through thick and thin, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...' you've already done that...and now face a new era in your journey through life together.
Another new baby and real success in the business for both of you. This Mama is very proud of you both...as you both already know.
BUT...It just goes to show, you MOTHER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. OK, well, I am right a LOT OF THE TIME...
and on PICKING JIM as a GOOD MATCH for you, I was DEAD ON.
I love the guy too....and of course, I adore you TOO little 'grasshopper'.
PS - That is a wonderful tribute to your husband by the way, and I thank you for sharing it. Mom
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